- 企业基本信息 -
\r\n*企业名称/ Company Name
\r\n简称 / Abbreviation
\r\n英文名称 / English Name
\r\n*社会信用代码 / Social credit code
\r\n*详细地址 / Detailed address
\r\n邮编/ Postcode
\r\n网址 / Website
\r\n*姓名 / Name
\r\n*职务 / Position
\r\n*手机 / Tel
\r\n*邮箱 / Email
\r\n座机电话 / Landline
\r\n微信 / WeChat
\r\n*姓名 / Name
\r\n*职务 / Position
\r\n*手机 / Tel
\r\n*邮箱 / Email
\r\n座机电话 / Landline
\r\n微信 / WeChat
\r\nNo invoice
\r\n- 展位预定信息 -
\r\nI want to participate in chinalab. Please make a reservation for me
\r\nWe need to advertise and participate in conferences
CHINA LAB Exhibitor registration
\r\n1.二、三类及升级展区,转角展位加RMB 530元/个
\r\n1. An additional RMB 530 will be charged for any Type II, Type III or upgraded area booth located at the\r\n corner
\r\n2. The standard booth size is 3m x 3m, and the raw space can only be booked by companies requiring a special\r\n booth design,The minimum rental area for bare land is 18 square meters, which is a multiple of 9.
\r\n3. The booth price includes tax, as will be specified in a VAT invoice
\r\n4. Exhibitors can use the invoice to apply for a deduction of 6% VAT at local tax authorities